Carnegie Mellon University

Digital Humanities Literacy Workshop

The 2024 Digital Humanities Literacy Workshop at Carnegie Mellon University is a 4-day course focused on providing humanities scholars with a broad overview of Digital Humanities (DH) research, introducing participants to a wide range of computational techniques and critical approaches for the humanities.

After a combination of conceptual overviews and hands-on breakouts, participants should have a good sense of whether digital humanities is an area they intend to pursue more thoroughly. Participants include students, faculty, and staff from around Pittsburgh, but the primary audience is CMU humanities graduate students finishing their first year.

Participants Will:

  • Learn about and receive practical experience with a wide array of DH areas.
  • Develop an awareness of the technical and critical steps required to perform digital research.
  • Know where to go locally, globally, and on the web for further resources.
  • Meet like-minded individuals in the Pittsburgh region.


  • Culture. DH research takes place in a different cultural world than much humanities research, which can be disorienting for newcomers. Topics such as DH history, ethos, and publication environment are included to introduce participants to DH culture.
  • World. Members of the DH community often describe it as a “big tent”, encompassing many subjects. This summer school covers many such subjects, including (potentially) digital history, digital literary studies, new media & cultural criticism, computational philosophy, digital arts & art history, public humanities, digital editions, and feminist digital humanities.
  • Methods. DH researchers are aligned in their interest in approaching humanities questions from many methodological angles. Methods covered here may include visualization, statistics, text encoding, and network, geographic, & text analysis.