Carnegie Mellon University

Ren Lab

Department of Biomedical Engineering


Dr. Xi (Charlie) Ren
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Courtesy Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Dean's Early Career Fellow
Faculty Member, McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine

Ph.D., Cell Biology, Peking University, 2011
B.S., Biological Science, Peking University, 2005



Yunhui Xing
Ph.D. student
B.S., Southern University of Science and Technology


Zihan (Andrew) Ling
Ph.D. student
B.S., Peking University

Ellen Otto
Ph.D. student (Co-advised by Prof. Phil Campbell)
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University
B.S., College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University

Barbie Varghese
Ph.D. student
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University
B.S., Rutgers University
Cecilia Padilla
Ph.D. student (Co-advised by Prof. Keith Cook)

Dhruv Bhattaram
Ph.D. student
B.S., M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology


Zhuowei Gong
M.S. student
B.S., East China University of Science and Technology

Vanessa Serna Villa
M.S. student
B.S., Binghamton University

Lab Alumni:

Weitao Wang (PhD, 2019-2023): then Postdoc @ CMU
Piyumi Wijesekara (PhD, 2018-2022): then Postdoc @NASA
Michael Hu (MS, 2020-2022): then PhD @University of Michigan
Shierly Fok Lau (MS, 2019-2020): then, PhD @UC Davis
Elizabeth Johnston (MS, 2018-2020): then, PhD @ CMU
Julia Eve Napolitano (MS, 2018-2019): then, TARA Biosystems
Taurus Feng (MS, 2018-2019): then, Shenzhen Excellent Technology
Njaire McKoy (MS, 2018-2019): then, Medtronic
Gaurav Balakrishnan (UG, 2018-2019): then, PhD @CMU