Celebrating Women’s History Month: A Message From Dean Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou
Today marks the first day of Women’s History Month, a month in which we commemorate and encourage the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role women have played in history.
Women’s History Month was established in 1987, but we know that the contributions women have made span a far greater timeline. The benefits women bring to the workplace are already well known and documented, but there is still more we can do to create a culture of gender equity here at the Tepper School.
As your dean, I am committed to ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion remain a priority. As a woman, I am acutely aware of the challenges women face in academia, particularly in the sciences and technical fields, where they have, and remain, under-represented. I have been working with Tepper Together, the steering committee, and work groups for diversity, equity, and inclusion, to make sure the Tepper School community is a place that welcomes each of us.
The pandemic has had a disproportionately negative impact on women, and I believe now, more than ever, it is important to keep in mind the value of having gender diversity and equity in our society. The Tepper School continues to strive to build a more cohesive, supportive, and mindful atmosphere that supports and encourages the success of each of its members.
I encourage you to visit the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion for more information on the resources we have to enhance inclusivity for all students at Carnegie Mellon University.