Hello and Bonjour: A Message From Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou, the New Dean of the Tepper School of Business
A Letter From the Dean
Community. A common word with far-reaching impact.
As I begin my journey as the tenth Dean of the Tepper School of Business, I am leading on behalf of our community: students, faculty, staff, our Carnegie Mellon colleagues, and our alumni. It is difficult to walk through the doors of our impressive but sparsely populated Tepper Quad and witness how our community has been impacted by the events of the past year. From the effects of the coronavirus pandemic to our unrelenting mission to end systematic racism within our community, we are indeed living through a challenging time. How do I lead Tepper into brighter days?
One thing I know is that innovation is borne of challenge, and uncertainty is a foundation from which we grow, thrive, and create monumental change that can impact the world. For the better.
As Dean, I am emboldened to take on these challenges, because I know that we will come out stronger and smarter on the other side. I am committed to the success, health, safety, and happiness of our entire Tepper community. I am confident that our powerful, collective expertise in technology, science, entrepreneurship, and leadership will continue to build a culture of excellence that will propel us to new heights.
It is my mission to help grow and strengthen the Tepper School community and show the world all that we can accomplish when we work together. I thank you for this opportunity and look forward to serving as your Dean.
With gratitude and excitement,
Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou
Dean, Tepper School of Business