Carnegie Mellon University
April 14, 2020

Tepper Faculty Accolades: Awards Roundup

Throughout the year, Tepper School faculty members are recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to their academic fields. Organizations representing every major discipline in business management confer fellowships, honors, and grants to faculty to acknowledge and support their research. 

Laurie Weingart, Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory, was elected as an International Association for Conflict Management Fellow. The selection recognizes her distinguished scholarly contributions to the field of conflict management that are meaningful and notable, have had an impact, and are sustained.

Maryam Saeedi, Assistant Professor of Economics, received a grant from the EQT Foundation and the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation for her project “Optimal Regulations in Networked Markets: The Case of Natural Gas Market in the United States.” 

A paper co-authored by Tae Wan Kim, Associate Professor of Business Ethics; Bryan Routledge, Associate Professor of Finance; and Joseph Xu, Assistant Professor of Operations Management — “Corporate Data Governance: Are Data Subjects Investors” — was accepted for the 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Ph.D. student Nick Pretnar won the 2020 Alexander Henderson Award for Excellence in Economic Theory from the Tepper School.

A paper co-authored by Prednar; Alan Montgomery, Professor of Marketing; and Christopher Olivola, Associate Professor of Marketing — “A Structural Model of Mental Accounting” — was selected by the Center for Financial Planning as the Best Paper in Household Finance for the 2020 Academic Research Colloquium.