Carnegie Mellon University
April 21, 2020

Tepper Faculty Accolades: Awards Roundup

Throughout the year, Tepper School faculty members are recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to their academic fields. Organizations representing every major discipline in business management confer fellowships, honors, and grants to faculty to acknowledge and support their research.

In January, Sridhar Tayur, Ford Distinguished Research Chair, University Professor of Operations Management was one of three new faculty members selected for the Pittsburgh Quantum Institute. Tayur is the first member representing a business school among dozens of science and engineering faculty from Pittsburgh-area universities.

Erina Ytsma, Assistant Professor of Accounting was recognized with an Outstanding Paper Award at the American Accounting Association Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting for her project “Effort and Selection Effects of Performance Pay in Knowledge Creation.”

The National Science Foundation awarded a research grant to Benjamin Moseley, Assistant Professor of Operations Research, Carnegie Bosch Junior Faculty Chair, and Mor Harchol-Balter, Professor of Computer Science in the School of Computer Science, and by courtesy, Tepper School of Business, for “Optimal Scheduling of Parallelizable Jobs in Cloud Computing Environments.”