Carnegie Mellon University

Celebrate 25 Years By Giving Back!

It's hard to believe that it has been 25 years since we walked the halls of Posner Hall. In honor of this special milestone and in memory of our GSIA experience and education, let's join together in support of the Tepper School.

UPDATE: Match complete!

In honor of your 25th Reunion, Adam and Suzann Duncan will contribute $250 for every Class of 1999 classmate who makes a gift of $100 or more to any Tepper School fund between February 12 and April 20, up to a total of $10,000 (40 gifts). This offer is valid for those who have not previously made a gift to the school during fiscal year 2024.

This year, we challenged our class to reach 25% class gift participation. Thanks to your support, we exceeded our goal of 71 Class of 1999 Tepper School donors!

Fundraising Progress

  • Goal: 71 donors

  • 81 Class Donors

  • $160,828 Raised


We exceeded our goal!

Make a One-Time Class Gift!







*A gift of $2,500 or more qualifies you for membership in the W.L. Mellon Society, the Tepper School's society for our most generous donors. Membership benefits include listing within the Tepper School on our donor board, invitations to exclusive events and communications, and membership in the CMU Andrew Carnegie Society.

GSIA Class of 1999 Campaign

We encourage you to support a Tepper priority fund for our class campaign. The Tepper School priority funds are budget-relieving funds that allow the administration to operate sustainably and support the top needs of our students and faculty.

The Tepper School Annual Fund supports areas of greatest need at the school including student financial aid, student engagement experiences (like clubs, Basecamp, and the Accelerate Leadership Center), and alumni engagement opportunities like lifelong learning webinars.

Tepper School Fellowships and other awards make a Tepper School education possible for our diverse and high-quality students by reducing the financial burden of tuition.

Tepper Faculty Initiatives support the school’s esteemed faculty research and teaching programs. Tepper faculty research is at the forefront of the intersection of business and societally relevant issues like healthcare, sustainability, blockchain, and more. Their expertise adds depth to their courses and fosters MBA graduates ready to tackle real business problems.

Help our GSIA Class of 1999 leave a positive legacy for current and future students by making a class gift contribution today.

GSIA Class of 1999 Reunion Committee

Adam Duncan
Class Gift Co-Chair

Suzann Belardi Duncan
Class Gift Co-Chair

Laurie Barkman

Geoffroy de Carbonnel

Kenji Funaki

Minnie Ko Greenslade

Joel Mittelman

Ranjit Singh

Sanjeev Swarup

Adam Towvim

Jake Witherell

Robert Wu

Class of 1999 Donors: Thank You for Your Class Gift!

Michael Abowd

Mukul Agarwal

Cigdem Aslan

Laurie Barkman

Anindya Basu

Michael Bergkoetter

David Bolotin

Diego Carranza

Geoffroy de Carbonnel

Samuel Chang

Derric Cheung

Michelle Chiu

Jim Defay

Adam Duncan

Suzann Duncan

Burcu Eryilmaz

Taner Eryilmaz

Matthew Friedman

Kenji Funaki

Jodi Garg

Farid Gargour

David Garrity

Katie Glass

Gary Goolsby

Matthew Green

Minnie Greenslade

Jim Griffin

Steven Ha

Carrie Han

Sean Harley

Mark Harris

Mark Highland

Eric Hoffmann

Eric Johnson

Kalpesh Kapadia

Rajeev Karmacharya

Hyung Kim

Jill King

Rory Kirkpatrick

Jeffrey Krohn

Mutlu Kurtoglu

Mary Ladesic

Richard Lee

Miranda Lin

Carol Lucas

Sanjeev Madan

Jesus Marcos

Cynthia McMillin

Joel Mittleman

Terry Naini

Scott Nakashian

Gaku Nakazato

Scott Nasello

Noriko Ohno

Niraj Patel

Mario Reimers

John Rooney

Koji Sakurai

Vered Semel

Tatsuji Shigekawa

Kenneth Shirilla

Ranjit Singh

Shubham Singhal

Donovan Smith

Frances Stephen

Kirk Stephen

Kunal Suryavanshi

Steven Swartz

Sanjeev Swarup

M. Lisa Swoboda

George Theodorou

Anna Tobias

Adam Towvim

Joaquin Urrea

Georgina Villa

Chris Weyers

Jake Witherell

Andrew Wong

Robert Wu

Tomomi Yada

Jun Zhao