Carnegie Mellon University

Summer Studies

Division of Enrollment Services

Band on stage with audience watching

June 18, 2019

Summer @ CMU Newsletter: Issue II

Welcome to the second issue of our Summer Studies newsletter. We can't believe it's mid-June already! This issue comes with listings of the June EvolveU workshops, concert listings, and events on campus. In this issue we are also bringing you a new Neighborhood Spotlight featuring the Squirrel Hill and South Side neighborhoods, and finally, more information about our Instagram Contest.

Let's dive into summer! Stay cool! Choose the pun that works for you!

Writer's Block

Have an essay, grant proposal, research project or just a personal project you need to work on, but you're stuck getting started? Spend a couple hours with us thinking and writing in a space with others who are in  the same boat. Bring a friend and hold one another accountable to tackle that writing project. All welcome - undergraduates, graduate students, faculty and staff. Snacks provided.

2:00-4:00 p.m., CUC - Danforth Lounge


  • Monday, June 10
  • Monday, June 17
  • Friday, June 21
  • Monday, June 24

Instagram Contest

Summer Studies is running our third annual Instagram contest! When you post photos of on and off-campus events, use the #CMUSummer2019 hashtag. Winners will receive fun goodies from the boookstore and be featured in upcoming newsletters, on the Summer Studies media pages, and on our website. Deadline for entry of our first round is Thursday, June 20. Winners will be annnounced by Tuesday, June 25.



(Photo courtesy of one of last year's first runner up, Pratistha Srivastav)

New Summer Session 2 Course Available!

Are you looking for:

  1. another summer course
  2. needing to get ahead with units for graduation
  3. wanting to fulfill the Reflecting Gen Ed category for Dietrich College
  4. interested in film...

... then we've got some exciting news for you!

With the introduction of the B.A. in Film and Visual Media, a new course during Summer Session 2 is being offered! The required 76-239 Introduction to Film Studies course with Professor David Shumway, co-director of the new major course runs MWF 9:00-11:20 a.m. and is 9.0 unites.

*The only pre-req for this course is First-Year Writing (76-101, 76-102, or two fo the following minis: 76-106, 76-107, 76-108).

Neighborhood spotlight

Squirrel Hill and South Side

Squirrel Hill

Experiencing Pittsburgh doesn't have to involve a long, stressful commute. the very neighborhood around Carnegie Mellon's campus also offers an eclectic array of cultural events that will undoubtedly enhance your time in the Steel City.

Perfect for students is the Squirrel Hill Night Market, which will take place on the evening of Saturday, June 22. Just a short bus ride form campus, the market will set up shop on Murray Avenue from Forbes to Beacon Ave (feel free to take any outbound 61 bus). 

The Night Market is an ideal opportunity to just get out the university bubble and contribute to Pittsburgh's local cultural scene. Over 100 local artists will be selling handmade wares. The crafts - from simple paper origami's to valuable refinished antiques - will appeal to people of all stripes, so don't be afraid to approach vendors! In addition, charming mom-and-pop restaurants from the neighborhood will also be offering a diverse array of delicious foods for you to enjoy. On top of the art, food, and music, the Night Market will also host fun activities to keep your kids occupied. The evening will undoubtedly be a perfect chance fro you to do your part to keep these small businesses afloat. A full list of vendors can be found here.

While you're there, the foodie should definitely check out the rest of Squirrel Hill to be updated on trendy food fads. Bubble tea ("boba") is sweeping college towns across the United States, and Squirrel Hill is no exception to that. Everyday Noodles on 5875 Forbes Avenue has a colorful variety of different bubble tea flavors for you to experiment with. Be adventurous and tryout new toppings like sweet azuki red bean and coconut lychee jelly! The restaurant also doubles as an immersive cultural experience, as patrons are encouraged to view traditional Chinese noodle-making techniques behind a glass plane.

South Side

Across the Monogahela River from the Carnegie Mellon campus, the historic South Side is hosting a lively music festival for the those over the age of 21. The SouthSide Works Summer Street Party will take place on the evening of June 21 at SouthSide Works (424 South 27 St.). Drinks and pretzels will be served alongside ice cream from Sugar and Spice food truck. SouthSide Works lifestyle center is also comfortable place to visit during non-festival hours, where you can watch movies with friends or grab a quick meal. And because it was built on land that was once occupied by a decommissioned steel mill, SouthSide Works will also allow you to reflect Pittsburgh's dynamic past.

While the South Side is known for its nightlife and generally exciting vibe, it also offers more subdued, kid-friendly amenities for those who just want a mellow afternoon or evening out with friends and family. For instance, the neighborhood is home to La Palapa, one of the most celebrated Mexican restaurants in Pittsburgh (2224 E. Carson St.). The restaurant's mission statement emphasizes the importance of tradition in preserving heritage in food. In particular, the head chef, José Luis, claims that his food is about sharing, honesty, and last but not least, identity. Even better for college students, La Palapa offers sumptuous Mexican cuisine at a relatively affordable price, with most menu items under $15.

The menu is a far cry from the more conventional Mexican foods we are exposed to here in the United States. Entrées such as lengua en salsa verde and mole con pollo will no doubt entice the most passionate of foodies, with less familiar ingredients like offal and mole sauce further complementing America's love affair with Mexican food.