Carnegie Mellon University

split screen of city and farm

How is artificial intelligence affecting the rural-urban divide?

Recent advances in artificial intelligence, broadband connectivity and other technologies have the potential to improve quality of life and provide new opportunities for prosperity. But is everyone seeing the benefits of these technologies equally?

On this week’s episode of Carnegie Mellon University’s Consequential podcast, “Staying Connected," the Block Center talks to Richard Stafford, Karen Lightman and Douglas G. Lee about the rural-urban divide.

In this podcast, Metro21 executive director, Karen Lightman, discusses the importance of access to broadband internet and how lack of connectivity leads to higher unemployment rates in certain areas. 

Check out this week's podcast here:

More about Consequential:

Consequential is a podcast that looks at the human side of technological change and develops meaningful plans of action for policymakers, technologists and everyday people to build the kind of future that reduces inequality, improves quality of life and considers humanity. Over the course of the first season, we will unpack important topics like industry disruption, algorithmic bias, human-AI collaboration, reskilling and the future of work, as well as discuss policy interventions for using emerging technologies for social good.

Consequential is recorded at the Block Center for Technology and Society at Carnegie Mellon University. Established in 2018, the Block Center is dedicated to investigating the economic, organizational, and public policy impacts of emerging technologies.