Carnegie Mellon University

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Are You Smart Than a City? Integrating the IoT to Build Smart Cities

On October 27, 2020, Executive Director Karen Lightman presented at the ACT-IAC ReImagine Nation ELC 2020 alongside Ken Leonard, Director of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Sokwoo Rhee, Associate Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Samara Schulman, Director of Business Operations at OnPoint Consulting.

Making our cities “smarter” means equipping them with the tools to address the pressing problems that their citizens care most about. From self-driving cars to precision medicine and microgrids, focused investment on innovation can achieve transformative impact on national priorities to meet the challenges facing the Nation and the world. Counterbalancing innovative solutions with cyber-physical risk mitigation is paramount as our country “connects” smart devices and systems—in diverse sectors such as transportation, energy, manufacturing, and healthcare—in fundamentally new ways.