Photographer Paul Fetters captured the front deck of Carnegie Mellon's entry in the Solar Decathlon competition on the Mall in the nation's capital. Cover design by Robert Pfaller A'66. Photo © 2002 Paul Fetters
Features, Spring 2003
Solar for the City
Quecreek Disaster Inspires Course: Students Really Dig Mine-Mapping Robot Class
Homecoming Lure/Lore: Piping Still Prompts Tears and Memories
News, Spring 2003
Carnegie Mellon joins battle for affirmative action during the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. celebration
You can fool some of the computers...
Engineering plus
Students attack the castle question
Gailliot Center advises the Congress
Tartan declares independence
Called to military duty
Closing the gender gap in computer science in South Africa
Falconi succeeds Bolton as CFO
Philip Morrison: From A-bombs to burnt doughnuts
Sophomore addresses car pollution
Carbon nanotubes 101
West Coast campus expands
Qatar extends offer
Meanwhile, in Singapore
Winning waste
Programmers get definitive textbook
The financials
Science for dummies
Long-time university volunteer Mac Connan dies
Rob Marshall wows with "Chicago"
Mail, Spring 2003
WASPs in front row, please
Just my type
Slight correction
Happy with focus
Winter issue a smasher
Fab fifties reunion