Carnegie Mellon University

Students Participating at CMU CEE_TP Exec. Ed Classes

ICT Exec Ed in Rwanda

The Center for Executive Education in Technology (CEE-TP) hosted in-person classes in Kigali, Rwanda from February 13-17, 2023. 

More than 25 government, industry, and academic leaders from across the globe gathered in Kigali to network, share best practices, and learn by leveraging expertise from Carnegie Mellon University faculty and colleagues. The participants came from 12 different countries including Nigeria, Libya, Rwanda, Tunisia, Somalia, Papua New Guinea, Tajikistan, Peru, Brazil, Ghana, Zambia, and Pakistan. 


The week kicked off with a class on Spectrum Management, led by CEE-TP Center Director and CMU Professor, Jon Peha. The class focused on how to manage spectrum in a way that encourages competition, innovation, and investment while limiting harmful interference. 

Following Spectrum Management was our class Spectrum Auction Design, led by Geoffrey Myers, Visiting Professor in Practice at the London School of Economics, and former Director of Competition Economics at the UK telecom regulator, Ofcom. Professor Myers led discussions on spectrum auctions, highlighting the opportunities and challenges, and provided real-world examples of both successful and failed auctions. 


The week concluded with a class on Standards Development led by Marvin Sirbu, professor of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University. The objective was for learners to have a deeper understanding of how standards are made today, the pros and cons of different approaches to standards development, and how the process of standards development can affect the outcome and the benefits derived.

In addition to the classes, the group visited CMU-Africa to learn more about research opportunities, visit the Robotics Lab and Embedded Systems Lab, and hear how students in Africa are using engineering to become tech leaders and innovators.


Through our executive education offered around the world in-person and online, we aim to help governments and their leaders make informed decisions about a variety of technology policy issues with the goal of policies that keep their citizens at the center of capacity building. If you’re interested in hearing about future classes, sign up here or contact us