The B2 Program is designed to train predoctoral researchers with the skills needed to integrate neuroscience perspectives and methods into an increasingly independent program of behavioral research. The B2 Program does not offer a stand-alone PhD. Instead, it recruits trainees from 4 affiliated doctoral programs: 2 that offer training in psychology, and 2 that offer training in neuroscience.
The B2 Program adds value by requiring integrative coursework and mentored research experiences that go beyond the requirements and training opportunities provided by our affiliated programs. As a result, trainees develop the interdisciplinary skills needed to conduct, publish, and fund research at the behavioral-brain interface.
Here, you can learn about the core elements of training in the B2 Program, browse the B2 Program Faculty mentors, learn about B2 Program Alum, and understand how the B2 Program has committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.
These elements combine to meet the continuing primary aim of the B2 Program, which is to prepare trainees for independent neurobehavioral research careers with health relevance. Secondary aims are to equip trainees with skills for success in the broader scientific workforce, and to increase the diversity of the scientific pipeline. We invite you to find out more about how our B2 Trainees are succeeding in behavioral-biomedical careers and to learn more about the program on these pages.
Lori L. Holt, B2 Co-Director, Carnegie Mellon University
Julie Fiez, B2 Co-Director, University of Pittsburgh
The B2 is supported by a predoctoral research training grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (5T32GM081760-14).