Carnegie Mellon University

Astro Lunch

Chemical Evolution in the Era of IFU surveys: The SDSS-IV MaNGA view

​I will present the main results of our analysis of the local metallicity of the ionized gas for more than 9×10^5 star forming regions (spaxels) located in 1023 nearby galaxies included in the SDSS-IV MaNGA IFU survey. Among them, I will show the local mass - metallicity relation; its weak relation with global parameters as well as the lack of secondary relation of the global MZR with the SFR. We also explore the impact of the gas fraction in the local enrichment of MaNGA galaxies and comparisons with simple chemical evolutionary models. At kpc scales, the observed metallicity can be explained as a local version of the well-known gas regulated chemical model with outflows driven by stellar winds and SN explosions.