Eberly Center
Search for Support Topics
Request a course
manage users
build a course
communicate & collaborate
evaluate student work
getting started for Students
User Enrollment in a Blackboard Course
Automatic enrollment for instructors and enrolled students
Enroll a TA / user
List enrolled users
Search for an enrolled user
User Accounts
Andrew accounts
Blackboard sponsored accounts
Guest Access
Enroll guests
Enable guest access
Roles and Affordances
Types of user roles
Change a user's role
Edit Mode
Instructors: Turn "Edit Mode" on to access editing functionality and to toggle between the instructor view and the student view of the course. You will find the "Edit Mode" button in the upper right of a course page. "CLICK" on the button to turn it on or off.
The Course Menu
Course menu layout
Default course menu
Change the course menu
Content Areas & Pages
Add a content area
Add a blank page
Create & insert a module page
Add Content
Course links
External links
Learning modules
Rearrange Items on a Page
Via drag & drop
Via "Reorder: Content" panel
Course Availability
Make a course available to students
Export a Course
How to Export/Archive a Course
Tools Management
Create links to tools
Make tools available
Course Tools
Course calendar
Discussion boards
Self and peer assessments
Set Up Groups
Create a group
Edit or delete a group
Email group members
Add an assignment
Student submission process
Add a Turnitin assignment
Student submission process for Turnitin assignments
Grade an assignment
Download assignments for grading offline
Manage Tests & Surveys
Create a new test
Add questions to a test
Create test questions offline
Manage existing tests
Import a test
Administer a Test
Deploy a test
Make a test available
The Grade Center
Enter and modify grades
Download and upload grades
Change the Grade Center view
Manage the student grade view (My Grades)
Grade entries made within course tools
Getting Started
Access a Blackboard course
Course navigation
Communication tools
View & submit assignments
Submit Turnitin assignments
Check grades
Personal Preferences
Personal information
Privacy Settings
Change language
Other Support Places
Computing Services
Academic Development
Intercultural Communication Center
Course Request
Course Request