Carnegie Mellon University
July 17, 2014

News Brief: Ramayya Krishnan Reappointed Dean of Carnegie Mellon's H. John Heinz III College

Contacts: Shryansh Mehta / / 412-268-5492
                Abby Simmons / / 412-268-4290

Ramayya KrishnanPITTSBURGH—Ramayya Krishnan (right), the W. W. Cooper and Ruth F. Cooper Professor of Management Science and Information Systems, has been appointed to a second five-year term as dean of Carnegie Mellon University's H. John Heinz III College.

"The Heinz College has done remarkably well this past five years in its educational and research missions, in its linkages to other parts of campus, its student quality, its success in faculty hiring and its fundraising. This, of course, is a credit to the entire Heinz College community, but the intellectual and managerial leadership of Krishnan has been an essential component," said Nathan Urban, CMU's interim provost and the Dr. Frederick A. Schwertz Distinguished Professor of Life Sciences.

Krishnan began his role as dean on July 1, 2009. He has been a member of the Heinz College faculty since 1988 and is a founding faculty member of the Master of Information Systems Management Program.

"I am honored to be reappointed as dean," Krishnan said. "Heinz College is an extraordinary institution. It has outstanding faculty and staff, highly motivated students and a dedicated group of alumni. I look forward to working with President Suresh, Interim Provost Urban, the leadership team at the university and the entire Heinz College community."
