Carnegie Mellon University
June 28, 2019

On-Demand Security Awareness Training Available at CMU

Security awareness has a critical role in minimizing serious cyber threats posed by advances in information technology and innovations by cyber criminals. Most people believe that security awareness is too technically complicated to understand or that it doesn’t apply to their job or personal lives; however, security awareness applies to everyone who uses the Internet regardless of industry or job function. Therefore, it is essential that end users learn how to stay safe online and protect their information as well as the university’s. With the constant projects, tasks, and demands of a typical job, it can be difficult to attend in-person training sessions. The solution to this problem is an on-demand training platform that utilizes interactive learning concepts to teach a cybersecurity skill.

Proofpoint’s Wombat Security Education platform features 36 interactive training modules in over 35 different languages which focus on the most prevalent issues in cyber security today. Each module is around 5-10 minutes long with a user interaction component and a brief assessment to test newfound knowledge. Proofpoint does an excellent job of updating the training content to reflect evolving best practices and current attack trends identified through threat intelligence.

Security Education training modules can be designed to be completed at an individual’s own pace based on the user’s interest with all topics readily available; or modules can be grouped into learning paths which can be assigned to different groups of users. Whether interested in identifying phishing emails or how to protect information on social networks, there are training modules for all types of computer user.

Security awareness provides all computer users a safer, fuller, more integrated life without worrying about the bad guys. Security awareness is an ongoing practice that evolves with technology and is necessary in allowing all CMU employees to do their jobs in a secure way that protects the integrity and reputation of the university.

You can access training modules on the Security Education Platform by taking the following steps:
  1. Visit the Security Education Platform at
  2. You will be directed to a Web Login authentication page 

CMU web login page

3. Enter your Andrew User ID and password, and click Login

4. You will be directed to the Training Modules interface

Wombat Training home page

5. Select one of the modules to begin training

6. You can check your training progress by clicking on My Account and My Report Card