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Donahue ranked on ScholarGPS

ChemE/EPP’s Neil Donahue ranked #20 in the aerosol specialty on ScholarGPS. Highly Ranked Scholars™ are identified by career productivity levels (number of publications), as well as the quality and impact of their work.


Sullivan shares thoughts on fragrance products in Yahoo

MechE’s Ryan Sullivan shares his thoughts on fragrance products in Yahoo. “Products can contain dozens of chemicals, and all it shows up as is one word on the ingredient list: fragrance,” he says.

Johnson, Kim, and Stinchfield honored in NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

ChemE undergraduates Sanjay Johnson and Julie Shin Kim were selected as 2024 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellows. Ph.D. student Ali Stinchfield received an honorable mention.

Sey earns presentation award from AGU

MechE Ph.D. student Paa Sey was selected to receive an Outstanding Student Presentation Award from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2023 meeting.