Carnegie Mellon University

Submission Guidelines

There is no length requirement for a submission but we typically accept three types of research work. Page lengths are provided to give a rough estimate but you do not need to adhere to them exactly.

Memos - A short, 1-2 page, introduction to a policy issue including a brief analysis and policy recommendation

Policy Briefs - A medium length, 3-10 page, deeper level analysis of a policy area with recommendations

Research Papers - A longer piece, 10+ pages, of original research in a policy area along with recommendations supported by the analysis

Submissions will be reviewed by the Editors-in-Chief and evaluated based on the quality of the analysis, relevance of the policy topic, novelty of the research methods, and quality of the writing.

If selected, the submission will be assigned to a team of editors who will work with the author over the course of a semester to refine the piece until it is ready for publication.