Carnegie Mellon University

GO STEM Show - Episode 3 - Jen Lab 

Guests include:

Dr. Coty Jen is an assistant professor of Chemical Engineering at CMU

Deanna Badger is a first-year PhD student studying the toxicity of wildfire smoke particles to macrophages in the Jen and Wayne labs

Dominic Casalnuovo is a first-year PhD student in the Jen Lab

Darren Cheng is a first-year PhD student in Mechanical Engineering at CMU

Sandra Fomete is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the chemical engineering department at CMU

Jack Johnson is a third-year chemical engineering PhD student in the Jen Lab group


  • 2:03 - Meet Dr. Coty Jen
  • 4:03 - Jen Lab Tour
  • 9:35 - Sandra Fomete and her research
  • 11:25 - Jack Johnson and his research
  • 13:43 - Meet Deanna Badger
  • 15:25 - Meet Dom Casalnuovo
  • 16:25 - Meet Darren Cheng
  • 24:42 - Panelists identify role models
  • 42:40 - What interested you to do what you are doing today?
  • 59:54 - Advice for younger students

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