Carnegie Mellon University

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are using a Mac, this is a table of key combinations you can use to type foreign characters.


° - Option + Shift + 8

î, â, ê - Option + i, then the letter

Î, Â, Ê - Option + i, then Shift + letter

é - Option + e, then e

É - Option + e, then Shift + e

è,à,ù - Option + `, then the letter

È, À, Ù - Option + `, then Shift + letter

ë - Option + u, then e

Ë - Option + u, then Shift + e

ç - Option + c

Ç - Shift + Option + C

œ - Option + q

« - Option + \

» - Shift + Option + \


ä - Option + u, then a

Ä - Option + u, then shift + A

ö - Option + u, then o

Ö - Option + u, then shift + O

ü - Option + u, then u

Ü - Option + u, then shift + U

ß - Option + s


° - Option + Shift + 8

é - Option + e, then e

ç - Option + c

à, è, ì, ò, ù - Option + ` , then the letter

À, È, Ì, Ò, Ù - Option + `, then Shift + letter


ñ - Option n, then n

Ñ - Option n, then shift N

ü - Option + u, then u

Ü - Option + u, then shift + U

á, é, í, ó, ú - Option + e, then the letter

Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú - Option + e, then Shift + letter

º - Option + 0 (zero)

¿ - Option + Shift + ?

¡ - Option + 1

The PCs in the Modern Language Resource Center are configured with the English US-International IME keyboard setting.  If you are familiar with this setting and have your computer similarly configured, you can type foreign characters using the following key combinations:
For an â, ê, î, ô, û type a ^ (carat - shift 6) release then type a, e, i, o u

For an á, é, í, ó, ú type a ' (single quote next to the return key) then release then type a, e, i, o u

For an à, è, ì, ò, ù type a ` (back quote in the upper left above the tab) release then type a, e, i, o u

For an ä, ë, ï, ö, ü type a " (double quote) release then type a, e, i, o u
For an ã, õ, ñ type a ~ (tilde - shift back quote) release then type a, o, n

For a ç type a ' (single quote) release then type c

For a ¡ hold down the Shift + Alt + Ctrl + 1 keys then release them all

For a ¿ hold down the Alt + Ctrl + / keys then release them all

If you are using a PC, the number after the ALT key should be entered via keypad instead of the number keys on the top of alphabets.  ¡Make sure your NUMLOCK button is on! Please email Marc Siskin, MLRC Manager, with any questions.