Carnegie Mellon University

Julio Ludemir

Julio Ludemir

Curator of FLUP Literary Festival

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Julio Bernardo Ludemir (Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian writer and cultural producer. Born in Rio, but raised in Olinda, returning to Rio de Janeiro at the age of 19. He began a degree in Journalism at Unicap, but redirected his attention. At the age of 50, he worked at the Secretary of Culture of Nova Iguaçu, where he gained experience to work with cultural production.

The writer was also one of the screenwriters of the film 400 contra 1 - Uma História do Crime Organizado. Recently, Julio is known for taking part in and the creation of forums such as the Outskirts Literary Festival (FLUP), for which he won the Jabuti Awards 2020.