Biological Physics @ CMU

The Biological Physics Initiative
Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Physics

Travel Reimbursements
(U.S. participants only)

We will reimburse all travel-related expense subject to NSF rules. You may fly foreign (i.e., Mexican) airlines, however, airline tickets need to be booked through U.S. carriers!
For attendees who stay longer than the June-08 to June-12 days of the conference and/or those who bring their partners/family and require larger rooms, we ask you to settle the cost of accommodation with the hotel upon departure. We will then reimburse you for the expense of accommodation you would have used as a single attendee between June-08 and 12.

  • Please submit all relevant original receipts: air travel, bus transfer, airport parking, etc. (keep back-up copies)
  • Provide your home address
  • Send paperwork to Ms. Donna Thomas, Dept. of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Wean Hall, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
  • Please advise us by e-mail to of your claim (in case anything is lost in the mail)
  • Receive reimbursement checks at your home address in the mail

Donna's phone is (412) 268-8367.

This workshop has been made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF-OISE 0963709). The Méxican participants of the workshop are funded by CONACyT.



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