Carnegie Mellon University

Poetry Submissions


Submissions to the Poetry Series are open to any poet writing in English who adheres to the guidelines detailed on Submittable and provides the reading fee.

Manuscripts must be at least 48 pages, exclusive of front matter.


Manuscripts for the Poetry Series should be sent during the annual submission period of September 1 – September 30.

All submissions must be sent through our Submittable system, which allows you to enter your manuscript, provide your contact information, and check the status of your submission.

Submission Fee

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a $25.00 fee, paid through Submittable at the time of your submission.

Simultaneous Submissions

Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press, and withdraw your manuscript through Submittable.


The Press receives hundreds of manuscripts during each open period. Each manuscript is read with the care it deserves, but the large number of submissions means that we are unable to provide critiques or enter into correspondence of any sort with writers other than those whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email Jake Grefenstette.

Fiction Submissions


Collections of short fiction and full length novels will be considered if they meet the following criteria:

  • The submitted work must be in English, regardless of the citizenship of the author.
  • Eligible submissions include an unpublished manuscript of short stories; two or more novellas (a novella may comprise a maximum of 130 double-spaced typed pages); a combination of one or more novellas and short stories; or a complete novel. Novellas are only accepted as part of a larger collection. Manuscripts may be no fewer than 150 and no more than 300 pages. Prior publication of your manuscript as a whole in any format (including electronic) makes it ineligible.
  • Collections containing stories or novellas previously published in magazines or journals or as part of an anthology are eligible.


Manuscripts for the Fiction Series should be sent during the annual submission period of September 1 – September 30.

All submissions must be sent through our Submittable system, which allows you to enter your manuscript, provide your contact information, and check the status of your submission.

Submission Fee

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a $25.00 fee, paid through Submittable at the time of your submission.

Simultaneous Submissions

Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press, and withdraw your manuscript through Submittable.


The Press receives hundreds of manuscripts during each open period. Each manuscript is read with the care it deserves, but the large number of submissions means that we are unable to provide critiques or enter into correspondence of any sort with writers other than those whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email Sharon Dilworth.

Literary Translation Submissions


Submissions to the Literary Translation Series are open to any literary translator translating into English who adheres to the guidelines detailed on Submittable and provides the reading fee. Submissions must be previously unpublished translations into English of literary fiction, (e.g. a novel or short story collection) or poetry (at least 48 pages, including front matter).


Manuscripts for the Literary Translation Series should be sent during the annual submission period of January 21 – February 28.

All submissions must be sent through our Submittable system, which allows you to enter your manuscript, provide your contact information, and check the status of your submission.

Submission Fee

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a $25.00 fee, paid through Submittable at the time of your submission.

Simultaneous Submissions

Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press, and withdraw your manuscript through Submittable.


The Press receives hundreds of manuscripts during each open period. Each manuscript is read with the care it deserves, but the large number of submissions means that we are unable to provide critiques or enter into correspondence of any sort with writers other than those whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email Nicky Agate.

New Play Submissions


Submissions to the New Play Series are open to any playwright writing in English who adheres to the guidelines detailed on Submittable and provides the reading fee.


Manuscripts for the New Play Series should be sent during the annual submission period of January 21 – February 28.

All submissions must be sent through our Submittable system, which allows you to enter your manuscript, provide your contact information, and check the status of your submission.

Submission Fee

Each manuscript must be accompanied by a $25.00 fee, paid through Submittable at the time of your submission.

Simultaneous Submissions

Manuscripts being considered by other publishers are allowed, but if a manuscript is accepted for publication elsewhere, please notify the Press, and withdraw your manuscript through Submittable.


The Press receives hundreds of manuscripts during each open period. Each manuscript is read with the care it deserves, but the large number of submissions means that we are unable to provide critiques or enter into correspondence of any sort with writers other than those whose manuscripts are accepted for publication.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please email Wendy Arons.