Colleges Against Cancer Budget

FY2015 (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)

Colleges Against Cancer is the student arm of the American Cancer Society, with over 300 chapters nationwide. CAC focuses on four strategic directions: advocacy, cancer education, survivorship, and our main event, Relay For Life. During Relay For Life, teams of up to 15 people take turns walking around a track for 12 straight hours. While waiting their turn on the track, teams camp out at the site and enjoy live entertainment, games, and food. All money raised supports cancer research, local cancer patient services and public education. We had great success this year with several students and a good deal of members of the community attending our event and helping us raise over $36,000! Come be a part of an awesome organization for a great cause!

JFC Rep: Landon He (kuangrah)


Expenditures $8,900.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Final $8,500.00
Expenditures $3,950.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Final $3,550.00
Expenditures $3,950.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Debt ($0.00)
Rollover ($0.00)
Total Subsidy $3,550.00
FY15 Starting Balance $3,550.00

Income and Revenue

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

Revenue from Thanksgiving and Christmas bake sales

Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $200.00 $200.00 $200.00

Revenue from spring fundraising event. The event is intended to be both a CAC fundraiser and to provide fellow CMU students with the early opportunity to form Relay teams for next year's Relay For Life.

Sub-Total -$400.00 -$400.00 -$400.00

Capital Purchases

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Capital Expense Fund (+) $600.00 $600.00 $600.00

Funding for purchasing 10 4-person tents (Given out to teams during Relay For Life for overnight camping on the cut. The old ones are over 6 years old and no longer functioning due to multiple missing parts.)

Sub-Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fall Kick-Off

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00

Food and drinks to be served at the kick-off. This event is open to the public, marks the start of College Against Cancer's series of cancer education events, and helps to promote campus awareness about the upcoming Relay For Life. Relay For Life sign-up information will be given out to kick-off attendees so that they could form Relay teams and start fundraising early in the semester.

Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $50.00 $40.00 $40.00

For printing PR posters and flyers prior to kick-off, as well as educational and informational pamphlets to be distributed at the event.

Sub-Total $200.00 $190.00 $190.00

Relay For Life

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $600.00 $600.00 $600.00

Campus police for the entire 12-hour event ($50/hour)

Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $250.00 $0.00 $0.00

Charges for trash cans and recycling , as specifically requested by FMS for events on the cut

There is no record of this expenditure in the past 2 fiscal years.

Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Lap counters (Actual item varies depending on the year's RFL theme, in past years beads, ribbons, and laces have been used) for participants to track the number of laps they have walked, and be motivated to stay longer at the event.This CMU Relay For Life tradition has worked very well during past years' Relay.

There is no record of this expenditure in the past 2 fiscal years.

Ops-Gifts and Prizes (+) $100.00 $30.00 $30.00

Plaques and trophies for recognizing the top-fundraising individuals, independent organization, and Greek organizations.

Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Water,coffee,tea,and hot chocolate available for Relay participants throughout the night. Breakfast items (bagels, donut,juice)served at 5:30 am for participants who stayed for the entire night/present at the closing ceremony

There is no record of this expenditure in the past 2 fiscal years.

Ops-Professional Services and Performers (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

DJ for the entire event. The Relay For Life committee always tries its best to find student volunteer who'd be willing to DJ at Relay for no charges, but $300 has been the average DJ cost when a volunteer can't be found.

There is no record of this expenditure in the past 2 fiscal years.

Ops-Decorations (+) $200.00 $100.00 $100.00

Decorations and tools such as ribbons,chalks,paints,paint brushes,and signs for Paint the Campus Purple Week (usually the week before Relay For Life). This pre-Relay decoration is essential for maximizing campus recognition of Relay For Life and for drawing additional participants.

Ops-Decorations (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Decorations for Relay For Life to fit each year's Relay theme - different each year. Given the size of the cut, a significant amount of decorative items is needed to really highlight the Relay theme; and the cost for these items has been $300 to $500.

There is no record of this expenditure in the past 2 fiscal years.

Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $500.00 $500.00 $500.00

Taylor Rental charges for tents, tables, and chairs for survivor dinner and registration area.

Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $2,000.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00

AB Tech charges for stage, lighting, power supply, and sound system. This is the ACTUAL cost for Relay For Life 2013

Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Lap counters (Actual item varies depending on the year's RFL theme, in past years beads, ribbons, and laces have been used) for participants to track the number of laps they have walked, and be motivated to stay longer at the event.This CMU Relay For Life tradition has worked very well during past years' Relay.

Duplicate Entry

Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $300.00 $300.00

Food and drinks cost for survivor dinner. Every year we invite cancer survivors and their caregivers both from and outside of the CMU community to our Relay For Life event. The survivor dinner is setup specifically for them to thank them for their participation. This is the cost for about 50 people (survivor + caregiver).

Ops-Event Supplies (+) $120.00 $0.00 $0.00

Glowsticks and tealights for luminaria ceremony. The luminaria ceremony is the part of Relay For Life dedicated to remembering honoring, and supporting those who we lost to cancer, who've survived cancer, and who are currently fighting cancer. Luminarias made of paper bags will be lighted during the ceremony. Glowsticks and tealights are chosen for the optimum brightness and maximum safety.

Given current spending recordings, the JFC does not feel comfortable funding this expense.

Sub-Total $5,570.00 $3,430.00 $3,430.00

Spring Kick-Off

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00

Food and drinks to be served at the kick-off. Similar to the Fall Kick-Off, the Spring Kick-Off is intended to promote campus awareness of Relay For Life, and to provide teams with early sign-up opportunities.

Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $50.00 $40.00 $40.00

Poster, flyer, and pamphlet printing for the Spring kick-off

Sub-Total $200.00 $190.00 $190.00

Cancer Education and Awareness Events

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $150.00 $40.00 $40.00

Poster, flyer, pledges, and pamphlets printing for bi-monthly cancer education events.

Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $200.00 $100.00 $100.00

Snacks for bi-monthly cancer education tabling events. These event are intended to promote cancer awareness (especially for the ACS-designated cancer of the month) and healthy lifestyles.

Sub-Total $350.00 $140.00 $140.00

Relay For Life (Cold Weather Indoor Alternative)

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Ops-Gifts and Prizes (+) $100.00 $0.00 $0.00

Plaques and trophies for recognizing the top-fundraising individuals, independent organization, and Greek organizations.

Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $480.00 $0.00 $0.00

Campus Police (1 person, entire 12 hours). This is the amount we were charged in previous year for security during the indoor Relay.

Ops-Decorations (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Decoration items to fit each year's Relay For Life theme. This is a higher amount compared to the outdoor plan because we would have more options with decoration items when Relay is held indoors without weather interference.

Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $200.00 $0.00 $0.00

Charged by ABTech for opening power box in Rangos (most probable venue in case of indoor Relay)

Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Water,coffee,tea,and hot chocolate available for Relay participants throughout the night. Breakfast items (bagels, donut,juice)served at 5:30 am for participants who stayed for the entire night/present at the closing ceremony

Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

Food and drinks cost for survivor dinner. Every year we invite cancer survivors and their caregivers both from and outside of the CMU community to our Relay For Life event. The survivor dinner is setup specifically for them to thank them for their participation. This is the cost for about 50 people (survivor + caregiver).

Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $500.00 $0.00 $0.00

Rental fee for games that suits the Relay theme, as part of activities and entertainment of indoor Relay.

Ops-Professional Services and Performers (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00

DJ fee for indoor relay.

Ops-General Supplies (+) $100.00 $0.00 $0.00

Indoor direction signs, track signs, sponsorship signs

Sub-Total $2,580.00 $0.00 $0.00

By Object Code

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Capital Expense Fund (+) $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 Funding for purchasing 10 4-person tents (Given out to teams during Relay For Life for overnight camping on the cut. The old ones are over 6 years old and no longer functioning due to multiple missing parts.)
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $250.00 $0.00 $0.00 Charges for trash cans and recycling , as specifically requested by FMS for events on the cut
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Lap counters (Actual item varies depending on the year's RFL theme, in past years beads, ribbons, and laces have been used) for participants to track the number of laps they have walked, and be motivated to stay longer at the event.This CMU Relay For Life tradition has worked very well during past years' Relay.
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Lap counters (Actual item varies depending on the year's RFL theme, in past years beads, ribbons, and laces have been used) for participants to track the number of laps they have walked, and be motivated to stay longer at the event.This CMU Relay For Life tradition has worked very well during past years' Relay.
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 Food and drinks to be served at the kick-off. Similar to the Fall Kick-Off, the Spring Kick-Off is intended to promote campus awareness of Relay For Life, and to provide teams with early sign-up opportunities.
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 Food and drinks to be served at the kick-off. This event is open to the public, marks the start of College Against Cancer's series of cancer education events, and helps to promote campus awareness about the upcoming Relay For Life. Relay For Life sign-up information will be given out to kick-off attendees so that they could form Relay teams and start fundraising early in the semester.
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Water,coffee,tea,and hot chocolate available for Relay participants throughout the night. Breakfast items (bagels, donut,juice)served at 5:30 am for participants who stayed for the entire night/present at the closing ceremony
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 Food and drinks cost for survivor dinner. Every year we invite cancer survivors and their caregivers both from and outside of the CMU community to our Relay For Life event. The survivor dinner is setup specifically for them to thank them for their participation. This is the cost for about 50 people (survivor + caregiver).
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 Snacks for bi-monthly cancer education tabling events. These event are intended to promote cancer awareness (especially for the ACS-designated cancer of the month) and healthy lifestyles.
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Water,coffee,tea,and hot chocolate available for Relay participants throughout the night. Breakfast items (bagels, donut,juice)served at 5:30 am for participants who stayed for the entire night/present at the closing ceremony
Food-Refreshments for Events (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Food and drinks cost for survivor dinner. Every year we invite cancer survivors and their caregivers both from and outside of the CMU community to our Relay For Life event. The survivor dinner is setup specifically for them to thank them for their participation. This is the cost for about 50 people (survivor + caregiver).
Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $50.00 $40.00 $40.00 For printing PR posters and flyers prior to kick-off, as well as educational and informational pamphlets to be distributed at the event.
Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $50.00 $40.00 $40.00 Poster, flyer, and pamphlet printing for the Spring kick-off
Ops-Advertising and Publicity (+) $150.00 $40.00 $40.00 Poster, flyer, pledges, and pamphlets printing for bi-monthly cancer education events.
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 Campus police for the entire 12-hour event ($50/hour)
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $480.00 $0.00 $0.00 Campus Police (1 person, entire 12 hours). This is the amount we were charged in previous year for security during the indoor Relay.
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines (+) $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 Charged by ABTech for opening power box in Rangos (most probable venue in case of indoor Relay)
Ops-Decorations (+) $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 Decorations and tools such as ribbons,chalks,paints,paint brushes,and signs for Paint the Campus Purple Week (usually the week before Relay For Life). This pre-Relay decoration is essential for maximizing campus recognition of Relay For Life and for drawing additional participants.
Ops-Decorations (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Decorations for Relay For Life to fit each year's Relay theme - different each year. Given the size of the cut, a significant amount of decorative items is needed to really highlight the Relay theme; and the cost for these items has been $300 to $500.
Ops-Decorations (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 Decoration items to fit each year's Relay For Life theme. This is a higher amount compared to the outdoor plan because we would have more options with decoration items when Relay is held indoors without weather interference.
Ops-Event Supplies (+) $120.00 $0.00 $0.00 Glowsticks and tealights for luminaria ceremony. The luminaria ceremony is the part of Relay For Life dedicated to remembering honoring, and supporting those who we lost to cancer, who've survived cancer, and who are currently fighting cancer. Luminarias made of paper bags will be lighted during the ceremony. Glowsticks and tealights are chosen for the optimum brightness and maximum safety.
Ops-General Supplies (+) $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 Indoor direction signs, track signs, sponsorship signs
Ops-Gifts and Prizes (+) $100.00 $30.00 $30.00 Plaques and trophies for recognizing the top-fundraising individuals, independent organization, and Greek organizations.
Ops-Gifts and Prizes (+) $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 Plaques and trophies for recognizing the top-fundraising individuals, independent organization, and Greek organizations.
Ops-Professional Services and Performers (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 DJ for the entire event. The Relay For Life committee always tries its best to find student volunteer who'd be willing to DJ at Relay for no charges, but $300 has been the average DJ cost when a volunteer can't be found.
Ops-Professional Services and Performers (+) $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 DJ fee for indoor relay.
Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 Taylor Rental charges for tents, tables, and chairs for survivor dinner and registration area.
Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $2,000.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 AB Tech charges for stage, lighting, power supply, and sound system. This is the ACTUAL cost for Relay For Life 2013
Ops-Rental Equipment (+) $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 Rental fee for games that suits the Relay theme, as part of activities and entertainment of indoor Relay.
Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Revenue from Thanksgiving and Christmas bake sales
Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 Revenue from spring fundraising event. The event is intended to be both a CAC fundraiser and to provide fellow CMU students with the early opportunity to form Relay teams for next year's Relay For Life.

By Ocode

Capital Expense Fund $600.00
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $850.00
Food-Refreshments for Events $1,700.00
Ops-Advertising and Publicity $250.00
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines $1,280.00
Ops-Decorations $800.00
Ops-Event Supplies $120.00
Ops-General Supplies $100.00
Ops-Gifts and Prizes $200.00
Ops-Professional Services and Performers $600.00
Ops-Rental Equipment $3,000.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $400.00
Capital Expense Fund $600.00
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $0.00
Food-Refreshments for Events $700.00
Ops-Advertising and Publicity $120.00
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines $600.00
Ops-Decorations $100.00
Ops-Event Supplies $0.00
Ops-General Supplies $0.00
Ops-Gifts and Prizes $30.00
Ops-Professional Services and Performers $0.00
Ops-Rental Equipment $2,400.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $400.00
Capital Expense Fund $600.00
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $0.00
Food-Refreshments for Events $700.00
Ops-Advertising and Publicity $120.00
Ops-Charges, Fees and Fines $600.00
Ops-Decorations $100.00
Ops-Event Supplies $0.00
Ops-General Supplies $0.00
Ops-Gifts and Prizes $30.00
Ops-Professional Services and Performers $0.00
Ops-Rental Equipment $2,400.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $400.00


Expenditures $8,900.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Final $8,500.00
Expenditures $3,950.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Final $3,550.00
Expenditures $3,950.00
Capital $600.00
Revenue ($400.00)
Debt ($0.00)
Rollover ($0.00)
Total Subsidy $3,550.00
FY15 Starting Balance $3,550.00