Carnegie Mellon University

Ana Cáceres

Ana Cáceres (E 2022)



Ana Cáceres is a recent doctoral graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, where she studied Engineering and Public Policy and Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her research focused on energy systems under climate change in the developing world. For her dissertation, “Hydropower Vulnerability in a Changing Climate: Characterizing Future Risks in the Global South,” Cáceres built a model to understand how climate change would affect hydropower at hundreds of hydropower plants across South America and Africa. She successfully defended her dissertation in January 2022 and won the 2022 McMichael Award for Outstanding Dissertation in Environmental Engineering, Science, and Policy. Named for EPP/CEE prof Fran McMichael, the award is given for an outstanding dissertation on an environmental topic from a CIT student. Ana is currently a consultant for the Boston Consulting Group at the Washington D.C. office.

First Author Publications during PhD

Caceres, A.L., Jaramillo, P., Matthews, H.S., Samaras, C., & Nijssen, B. (2021). Hydropower under climate uncertainty: Characterizing the usable capacity of Brazilian, Colombian and Peruvian power plants under climate scenarios. Energy for Sustainable Development, 61, 217–229.

Cáceres, A.L., Jaramillo, P., Matthews, H.S. et al. Potential hydropower contribution to mitigate climate risk and build resilience in Africa. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2022).