- "Where Are You Really From?": Mitigating Unconscious Bias on Campus, Carol Frieze, Diana Marculescu, Jeria Quesenberry, Gerry Katilius, and Jonathan Reynolds, in 2018 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT), IEEE 2018
- From Difference to Diversity: Including Women in the Changing Face of Computing, Carol Frieze and Jeria Quesenberry, Proceedings of the 44th SIGCSE ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2013
- Diversity or Difference? New Research Supports the Case for a Cultural Perspective on Women in Computing, Carol Frieze, Jeria Quesenberry, Elizabeth Kemp and Anthony Velaszquez, Journal of Science Education and Technology, September, 2011
- The Images of Computing: Engaging Undergraduates in the Broad Issues of Computer Science, Carol Frieze, Proceedings of the 42nd SIGCSE ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2011
- A Cultural Perspective on Gender Diversity in Computing, Lenore Blum, Carol Frieze, Orit Hazzan and Bernardine Dias, in Reconfiguring the Firewall: Recruiting Women to Information Technology across Cultures and Continents eds. by Carol J. Burger, Elizabeth G. Creamer, and Peggy S. Meszaros, AK Peters, Ltd., 2007
- Culture and Environment as Determinants of Women’s Participation in Computing: Revealing the ‘Women-CS Fit’”, Carol Frieze, Orit Hazzan, Lenore Blum and Bernardine Dias, Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh SIGCSE ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2006
- Diversifying the Images of Computer Science: Carnegie Mellon Students Take on the Challenge! Carol Frieze and Emily Treat. Proceedings of the 2006 WEPAN conference.
- As the Culture of Computing Evolves, Similarity can be the Difference, Lenore Blum and Carol Frieze, Gender and IT issue of Frontiers, 26:1 2005
- In a More Balanced Computer Science Environment, Similarity is the Difference and Computer Science is the Winner, Lenore Blum and Carol Frieze, May 2005 edition of Computing Research News, Vol. 17/No. 3
- Diversifying the Images of Computer Science: Undergraduate Women take on the Challenge! Carol Frieze, Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth SIGCSE ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2005, p. 397-400
- Building an Effective Computer Science Student Organization: The Carnegie Mellon Women@SCS Action Plan by Carol Frieze and Lenore Blum, Inroads SIGCSE Bulletin Women in Computing; vol.34.no.2, 2002, June, p. 74-78