Carnegie Mellon University

NASSLLI 2018 @ CMU - June 23-29

North American Summer School on Logic, Language, and Information

NASSLLI 2018 logo

Welcome to NASSLLI 2018!

We are excited to bring NASSLLI to CMU in June 2018, and look forward to welcoming the community of students and researchers in Logic, Language and Information to our campus. Please join us!

The interdisciplinary ethos of NASSLLI could find no better home than Carnegie Mellon University, where collaboration across disciplinary boundaries is the norm. The Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon, which is spearheading the organization of NASSLLI 2018, illustrates this vividly: Faculty in the department have collaborations with colleagues in Computer Science, the Language Technologies Institute, Mathematics, Psychology, Statistics, Social and Decision Sciences, Machine Learning, English, Human-Computer Interaction, the Software Engineering Institute and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition; and this is limiting the list to collaborations within CMU!


The North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information has been providing outstanding interdisciplinary educational opportunities to graduate students and advanced undergraduates in logic, linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, and philosophy since it was launched as a biennial event in 2002. NASSLLI brings these disciplines together with the goal of producing excellence in the study of how minds and machines alike accomplish the tasks of representing, communicating, manipulating and reasoning with information.

NASSLLI represents a community which recognizes that advances in modeling and analyzing the performance of these tasks, as well as automating them, requires the contributions of multiple inter-related disciplines. NASSLLI provides a venue where students and researchers from one domain can learn approaches, frameworks and tools from related disciplines to apply to their own work. Courses offered at NASSLLI range from intensive, graduate level introductory courses to inter-disciplinary workshops featuring prominent researchers presenting their work in progress.

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Presenting Sponsor:

Citi Ventures