Carnegie Mellon University

Applying to PGSS

The 2025 PGSS program will be held from June 22 - July 26. Applications are available now with a deadline of January 31. Applications are reviewed through March with decisions sent out by May 1. We are excited to have support for 72 students in the 2025 program.

To apply to the next cohort please follow this link to make an account and complete your application. 

Eligibility to Apply

  1. The applicant is a rising high school senior (having completed their junior year immediately prior to the start of the program)
  2. Be a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Application Parts

The PGSS application consists of several parts including:
  • A personal information form
  • A summary of your science-related activities and awards
  • A summary of other activities and awards
  • A narrative essay introducing yourself and explaining why you want to participate in PGSS
  • A topical essay describing a significant influence on your interest in science or an achievement of which you are most proud
  • 2 letters of recommendation from teachers in the core subject areas of PGSS (biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, or physics). Each letter must be from teachers in different subject areas.
  • A letter of recommendation from your school counselor