Students from across PA
PGSS brings together rising high school seniors from across Pennsylvania who are passionate about science
Hands on experience
PGSS students take a lab course in one of our five core subject areas and participate in research as part of a Team Project
Social Events
In addition to the rigorous academic program, students participate in social events coordinated by the residence life staff.
What is PGSS?
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences is a 5-week STEM residency program for rising high school seniors in PA. Students complete rigorous course work in biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics while also getting hands-on experience in labortory skills and research. We provide academic opportunities that even the best high schools cannot offer. Importantly, there is no cost to participate in PGSS: housing, meals, and tuition are completely covered for each student.
PGSS has two critical components: the academic and the social program.
The Academic Program
Students in PGSS take rigorous coursework in five core subject areas: biological sciences, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics. Lecture and laboratory courses are taught by CMU and Pittsburgh-area professors and industry experts. Students collaborate and learn together while completing homework assignments for their various classes. Importantly, there are no grades in PGSS. Students are encouraged to step outside of their academic comfort zones and explore topics they might have never considered without the pressure of grades.
In addition to the classroom work, students participate in Team Research Projects during which they conduct real scientific research in one of the core subject areas. At the end of the program, students submit a written summary of their work to the Journal of PGSS and present their projects at the annual Scientific Symposium.
The Social Program
Students live in CMU dorms with the other members of the program, learning how to navigate university life before embarking on their college careers. Residence Life Staff members live in the dorms with the students and plan an active social program to promote a academic/social balance. Staff members also provide academic support to the students outside of the classroom.
Each year the the Residence Life Staff design and host nightly activities for the students to participate in. Some reoccurring favorites include the No-Talent Show and a trip to PNC park to watch the Pirates play the Phillies.
You can learn more about PGSS on this website or by sending questions directly to the Program Director through