When I sign up, what types of emails will I receive?
You will receive emails for upcoming playtest opportunities at CMU.
CMU Students will receive additional information about other playtesting opportunities on campus.
I don't want to receive any emails from CMU Playtesting, how do I opt-out?
Contact us at with the request. Also, you can reply that you wish to opt-out to any invitation sent to you in the future to turn off all such emails and remove you from the list.
Do I have to sign up to be eligible for a Playtest?
Depends on the event. See details in event calendar.
How soon will I be contacted after I sign up to be a playtester?
Invitations are normally sent two weeks before the playtest.
Playtest Night
How do I sign up?
Click Become a Playtester.
Can I attend without signing up?
I rarely play games. Should I still sign up?
Yes! There's something for everyone!
I don't own or play games at all. Should I still sign up?
Yes! We often need people just like you.
Is this event for video games only?
No! Any experience that requires user testing is welcome at Playtest Night.
ETC Playtest Day
How do I sign up?
Click Become a Playtester.
Am I eligible to sign up?
I rarely play games. Should I still sign up?
Yes! There's something for everyone!
I don't own or play games at all. Should I still sign up?
Yes! We often need people just like you.
What if I want to cancel my appointment?
Email, include the event in your email. The sooner, the better. If you received an email invitation, simply reply to the email if you are unable to make the Playtest.
Do I have to sign up to attend ETC Playtest Day?
Yes, see instructions in the sidebar on the ETC Playtest Day page.
How soon will I be contacted after I sign up to be a playtester?
Invitations are normally sent three to two weeks before the event.