Watch BDP researchers discuss their research.
Scientific Reasoning Ability and Implications for Science Communication
Caitlin Drummond presents research conducted with Baruch Fischhoff on scientific reasoning and its implications for science communication.
Science Collaboration: Surging Seas
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi and Ben Strauss present their collaboration to develop science communications in four acts.
Sustainable Energy Systems
To transition to sustainable energy systems, we need to look at technology, policy, innovation, and people, says Engineering and Public Policy Associate Professor Ines Azevedo. In this video, she discusses how she researches each of these aspects to help us successfully move to sustainable energy systems.
Coastal Storm Awareness
Gabrielle Wong-Parodi presents her research on developing risk communications for communities vulnerable to coastal flooding.
Communicating Uncertainty
Baruch Fischhoff, in conversation with Adam Finkel (University of Pennsylvania) and David Budescu (Fordham University), discusses how social science can inform the communication of uncertainty in science.