Actuarial Club Budget

FY2014 (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014)

JFC Rep: Niharika Ray (nray)


Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($100.00)
Final $720.00
Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($298.00)
Final $522.00
Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($298.00)
Debt ($0.00)
Rollover ($0.00)
Total Subsidy $522.00
FY14 Starting Balance $522.00

Income and Revenue

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Revenue-Membership Dues (-) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

No one will show up if we charge; Some members are sporadic

Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $100.00 $100.00 $100.00

Fundraising to cover part of travel expenses

This fundraising, instead of covering travel expenses, could be used to partially fund the food expenses.

Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

JFC funds 50% of transportation, up to $500 per person traveling for the year. Since your travel costs (rental car) is less than this, no additional revenue is needed in order to finance the travel

Revenue-Donations/Other Income (-) $0.00 $48.00 $48.00

This revenue will be used to fund the remaining about of money required for GBM food

Revenue-Donations/Other Income (-) $0.00 $150.00 $150.00

This revenue line item corresponds to the expense regarding T-shirts for club members. JFC does not fund personal clothing

Sub-Total -$100.00 -$298.00 -$298.00

Uncategorized Items

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Travel-Rental Car (+) $275.00 $275.00 $275.00

Includes cost of a zipcar membership in case no one has one ($60); The rest covers the cost of two cars for approximately 9-10 hours each ($10.75 an hour per car, based on the website's fee listing) for our annual RMU Actuarial Career Day trip

Food-Refreshments for General Body Meetings (+) $180.00 $180.00 $180.00

Includes pizza for the first and last GBM meetings of each semester (approx. $38 each); The rest is for various small snacks for meetings throughout the year such as drinks, chips, candies, etc.

Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $215.00 $215.00 $215.00

Actex Manuals for Actuarial Exams P and FM (Exam P Manual is $97, Exam FM Manual is $118). Helps to prepare members for very hard actuarial exams.

Equip-Uniforms (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00

20 Actuarial Club shirts at $7.50 a shirt. This will help increase campus awareness of our club and raise membership. It will unite the club as well.

Sub-Total $820.00 $820.00 $820.00

By Object Code

Object Code Requested Recommended Final Description
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment (+) $215.00 $215.00 $215.00 Actex Manuals for Actuarial Exams P and FM (Exam P Manual is $97, Exam FM Manual is $118). Helps to prepare members for very hard actuarial exams.
Equip-Uniforms (+) $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 20 Actuarial Club shirts at $7.50 a shirt. This will help increase campus awareness of our club and raise membership. It will unite the club as well.
Food-Refreshments for General Body Meetings (+) $180.00 $180.00 $180.00 Includes pizza for the first and last GBM meetings of each semester (approx. $38 each); The rest is for various small snacks for meetings throughout the year such as drinks, chips, candies, etc.
Revenue-Donations/Other Income (-) $0.00 $48.00 $48.00
Revenue-Donations/Other Income (-) $0.00 $150.00 $150.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Fundraising to cover part of travel expenses
Revenue-Fundraising Income (-) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Revenue-Membership Dues (-) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 No one will show up if we charge; Some members are sporadic
Travel-Rental Car (+) $275.00 $275.00 $275.00 Includes cost of a zipcar membership in case no one has one ($60); The rest covers the cost of two cars for approximately 9-10 hours each ($10.75 an hour per car, based on the website's fee listing) for our annual RMU Actuarial Career Day trip

By Ocode

Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $215.00
Equip-Uniforms $150.00
Food-Refreshments for General Body Meetings $180.00
Revenue-Donations/Other Income $0.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $100.00
Revenue-Membership Dues $0.00
Travel-Rental Car $275.00
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $215.00
Equip-Uniforms $150.00
Food-Refreshments for General Body Meetings $180.00
Revenue-Donations/Other Income $198.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $100.00
Revenue-Membership Dues $0.00
Travel-Rental Car $275.00
Equip-Non-Capital Equipment $215.00
Equip-Uniforms $150.00
Food-Refreshments for General Body Meetings $180.00
Revenue-Donations/Other Income $198.00
Revenue-Fundraising Income $100.00
Revenue-Membership Dues $0.00
Travel-Rental Car $275.00


Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($100.00)
Final $720.00
Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($298.00)
Final $522.00
Expenditures $820.00
Capital $0.00
Revenue ($298.00)
Debt ($0.00)
Rollover ($0.00)
Total Subsidy $522.00
FY14 Starting Balance $522.00