Carnegie Mellon University

Applications Now Open for McWilliams Center Seed Funding Grants

Applications are now open for the McWilliams Center for Cosmology seed grant program to support faculty, postdoctoral fellows and research staff who want to explore a new area of research or jumpstart their research activity.

The program is designed to encourage genuine collaborations between faculty and postdocs affiliated with the Center for Cosmology and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) that involve either new avenues of research or the feasibility testing of new methods. The goal of the seed grant is to provide preliminary results and establish credibility in a new research area that will attract high-impact research funding from the state and federal government, foundations, or industry. The grants may also support research that will increase the competitiveness of faculty in attracting high-impact multidisciplinary and center-level research funding.

The one-year seed grants provide $10,000-$40,000 in support for a faculty member, postdocs and graduate students, and/or staff to conduct preliminary analyses, demonstrate proof of concept, collect preliminary data, and establish the potential for high impact of the proposed idea for future proposal submissions. This year, the grant will also provide an allocation of 250k SU on Bridges2 at PSC to each award with the possibility of an increased allocation if well justified.

For additional details or to apply, please visit the seed grant information page.