Carnegie Mellon University

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January 19, 2021

Blog: Edge-Native App Design When You Can’t See Behind the Curtain

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In today’s world of mobile device applications accessing cloud and edge computing resources over mobile networks, infrastructure opaqueness persists but is compounded by application opaqueness. Old-fashioned telephone calling applications were limited and well understood. Today’s mobile applications like gaming, video conferencing and video surveillances are unbounded in number and diversity. They rely on multi-generational, multi-operator networks connected to multiple cloud and edge computing service providers. Mobile network designers and mobile application developers are faced with significant gaps in their knowledge and information about each other’s world.
General purpose edge computing is enabling applications well beyond video delivery but new tools and approaches will be needed to enable application developers to design for diverse network and computing environments and for network operators to design for the many applications that their networks must support.

At the Living Edge Lab, we have been working on approaches that use benchmarking and simulation of edge-native applications in networks to understand the interplay between applications and their environments.

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