Our Vision

The Robomechanics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University is working to take robots out of the lab and factory and into challenging real world environments, such as rocky hills and cluttered houses. We use the word “robomechanics” to mean the study of the mechanics of how a robot interacts with an environment, analogous to the field of biomechanics for natural systems. Common themes that arise in our research include modeling and planning for changing contact conditions, developing systems that are inherently robust to uncertainty, and enabling more dynamic robot behaviors. The Robomechanics Lab conducts research in legged and wheeled mobile robotics, mechanism design, feedback control, computer vision, motion planning, and applications of robotics research to environmental monitoring, planetary exploration, and home assistance.

The Robomechanics Lab believes in actively working towards creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. We do this in several ways: