MCS Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Programs

Handbook Table of Contents | Constitution | Faculty Policies | Degree Policies

MCS Policy on Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Programs

Adopted by College Council 24 February 1989

It is the responsibility of the College Council of the Mellon College of Science to examine interdepartmental graduate degree programs proposed by and involving at least one department of the College (whether all the involved units are within the College or not), as well as any proposed changes in such programs, and to authorize, by its approval, the participation of MCS departments in such programs.

While respecting traditional departmental autonomy in determining the substantive content of graduate degree programs and most of their procedural framework, the College Council shall condition its approval on the presence, in each proposed program, of acceptable provisions for student admission, adequate balance of breadth and depth in content, sufficient faculty presence for predictable program stability, permanence and effectiveness of mechanisms for supervision and monitoring, reasonable compliance with MCS College-wide requirements on graduate degrees, and appropriate degree designations (incorporating home-department field designation or not, as appropriate for each program).

The College Council may make its approval of the program, or of specific aspects of it, provisional for a reasonable stated period, at the expiration of which the approval shall be confirmed or rescinded; in the latter case this shall be done without prejudice to the students enrolled in the program at that time.

For a program in place, the College Council reserves its right and responsibility to monitor the program's functioning and effectiveness, to request changes, and to consider for approval any proposed changes in the program's content or structure.

Doctorates in the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biophysics and Biochemistry

Adopted by College Council 16 October 1987
Ref.: Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Programs

A doctoral degree obtained by completing the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biophysics and Biochemistry shall carry the designations "Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences" or " Chemistry" or " Physics" according to the candidate's home department, i.e., the department whose doctoral program requirements the candidate has satisfied.

By agreement between the candidate and the Program Committee, after consultation with the doctoral thesis committee, the program designation "/Biophysics" or "/Biochemistry" or "/Biophysics and Biochemistry" may be added, as appropriate.

The home department designation and, if appropriate, the added program designation shall be recorded on the degree diploma, on every transcript or other degree certification, and on the title page of the doctoral thesis.