Carnegie Mellon University


What is CoBox?

CoBox is a special activity box that helps children codesign video games with researchers and designers from Carnegie Mellon University, even under restrictive quarantine conditions. Children complete fun and engaging activities in the box and then upload pictures and narrations of their work. The submissions help us with big ideas and little ones, from how the game looks, to the story it tells, even to the characters you'd like to see!

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How Does it Work?

Each box we send has fun game design activities that allow children to work with us. When children complete an activity, they can upload their work using a special User ID on web app. This app works on Internet-connected smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

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What's a CoBot?

Our first box asks about CoBots. CoBots are robots that are designed to work closely with humans. That means that the robot has to safely share space with humans and work together on a shared goal. Some robots are designed to work in a pattern, and others may be designed to respond based on a human's actions. Our games will contain CoBots and we want actual feedback and ideas from children about interesting themes, challenges, and characters.