Carnegie Mellon University

Ziyi Huang

Ziyi Huang

Class of 2025


Ziyi Huang graduated from New York University in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics and Biomolecular Science. During her undergraduate years, she participated in the Forbes Incubator Challenge, achieving first place twice. She also conducted both supervised and unsupervised analyses in her machine learning class, focusing on predicting hotel booking cancellations. Before joining the MSCF Program, she interned at several tech companies on both front-end and back-end development. Last summer, she interned at a financial services institution, where she acquired, developed and implemented trading strategies for futures markets. Ziyi's motivation for joining the MSCF program lies in her passion for interdisciplinary studies and her interests in enhancing her quantitative skills. Ziyi wants to pursue a career in quantitative research upon graduation.