Comments & Remembrances

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Anthony Boardman, Faculty, University of British Columbia

Comments sent in absentia for September 16, 2006 Memorial Service at Carnegie Mellon.

As Toby had a profound effect on my life, I am sorry that I cannot be with you today. Toby was an outstanding researcher, but, more importantly for me, he was also a brilliant supervisor. After a fairly disastrous first semester at SUPA in 1970, Toby took me under his wing. We had a very blunt chat in his office. I can still picture him, sitting behind his large desk covered in stacks of different journals. He promised me his support and summer money if I *pulled my socks up*. I must have pulled them up high enough because he was always extremely supportive subsequently. Though Toby could be demanding, he was fair, honest and loyal. And he motivated by example: he had a wide range of academic interests and loved working in new inter-disciplinary areas. Also, he worked hard and put in tremendous effort, often staying late at work.

At times Toby was disconcertingly quiet and he might refrain from giving specific direction. Sometimes he would just sit there and say nothing, and I would probably say too much. But, he was a great listener and was always encouraging. The intensity of his involvement increased as a deadline approached. Working with him under a tight deadline for a paper or a proposal, often quite late, was a thrill. I thought it was a privilege and found it inspiring.

Toby was especially effective in a crisis. He went to bat for me on at least a couple of crucial occasions. Once was at my thesis defense. I did not hear the outcome until about 10 O clock in the evening, perhaps a record. When I was on the job market, he was a fantastic help.

Toby had a great sense of humour and was fun to work with. To students he was incredibly generous in many ways. Toby and Carol kindly entertained us at their home on several occasions. These evenings were special treats.

I was extremely fortunate to have had Toby as my thesis advisor. He was a mentor as well as a friend. I think that he developed special, long-lasting relationships with all of his students. He certainly did with me. I will always be extremely grateful.

Bernie Grofman, President Public Choice Society, 2001 – 2002

Comments sent in absentia for September 16, 2006 Memorial Service at Carnegie Mellon.

I knew Toby for more than 30 years and am sorry that I won’t be able to attend the special service for him. Imprtant as were Toby’s contributions as a research scholar, ones which have helped shape my own research agenda and that of countless others, what I remember most about Toby is how nice a human being he was and how much he cared for and tried to help, both professionally and personally, his many graduate students. He was a mentor and a role model for his students in the best of all possible ways. Everyone who knew him will miss him.