Carnegie Mellon University
September 28, 2022

Exciting Summer of Internships for Our Applied Study Students

By Nicole Thompson

EST&P’s Applied Study Energy Master’s Degrees combine professional development and an internship experience with our Foundational Energy Degrees. The EST&P Applied Study (two semester) and EST&P Applied Advance Study (three semester) programs were launched in the Fall of 2020 and, this past summer, our second cohort of students were hard at work in a variety of exciting internships. Students worked in internships across the United States, including Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, Massachusetts, Arkansas, and Washington. Additionally, they worked in a wide array of energy industries— companies are listed in the sidebar; of energy sectors— including green aviation and mass transit, grid operations and reliability, sustainable buildings, thermal storage, computational fluid dynamics, and solar farm construction; and of internship roles— as analysts, programmers, project managers, engineering consultants, and more.

Applied Study students begin their program taking the course “Career and Professional Development for Engineering Masters” during an academic semester before their summer internship. This course prepares College of Engineering graduate students to identify, create, and manage career opportunities. “As an international student new to the United States job market, the Career and Professional Development course provided me with the necessary knowledge and helped me with a successful job search. Taking the course helped me prioritize the job search along with my academic coursework, as the deliverables of the course directly supplemented the search. It covered all aspects of the process in a structured manner, including resume, cover letter, networking, interviewing, negotiation, and the transition to employment,” said Gokul Krishnan, a current EST&P Applied Advance Study student.


All EST&P Applied Study students, whether starting in the Spring or Fall semester, are eligible to pursue an internship in their first summer semester, during which they take the Master’s EST&P Internship course. The requirements for the internship course include securing an internship, writing an internship proposal, meeting with the academic and faculty advisors, and writing reflections and a final report communicating different aspects of their experiences. Many students had incredible experiences with their companies. “The education and experience I received from it was invaluable,” said Jeffrey Yin, a current EST&P Applied Advance Study student. Another student expressed that she had an exceptional experience due to the company’s positive working environment. “The internship helped me collaborate between various departments of the company and it helped me understand working for a corporate environment,” said Madhumithaa Vellingiri, a current EST&P Applied Advance Study student. Overall, EST&P Applied Study students had an educational, exciting, and fulfilling summer.


In the fall semester following an internship, the Applied Study students participate in a course entitled Communication of EST&P Internship Experience. Amongst other requirements, they will be presenting their internship experiences at our annual Internship Panel Sessions, occurring on Friday, October 7th. Students in the course share their myriad experiences with the program faculty and staff, with each other, and with the new cohort of EST&P students just beginning their own internship search and experience. Based on the experiences of our first two cohorts, we are excited to see the next group continue to excel in energy internships.