Carnegie Mellon University

Graduate Career Paths

Career paths of M.S. in Computational Biology graduates have led to research, teaching, and administrative positions at renowned academic institutions. Graduates are also leaders in industry and government. Our graduates entering industry make, on average, over $100,000 in their first year post-MSCB. You can find first-destination information about graduates from MSCB and every other program at CMU at the bottom of this page.

The Computational Biology Department maintains a career search tool with information about the hundreds of different companies and research organizations offering cutting-edge opportunities to computational biologists.

A selected list of positions and/or programs that recent graduates have gone on to include: 

Industry, Government, or Consulting Careers at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Roche Sequencing Solutions, Mount Sinai Health System, Ancestry, Woods Hole, Affymetrix, Emerald Therapeutics, Transcriptic, Amyris Biotechnologies, Ambry Genetics, Helomics, Aetna, DNAnexus, Eureka Genomics, Dossia, QIAGEN, EpiVax, Philips Research

Ph.D. Programs at Baylor University, University of Chicago, Dartmouth College, Johns Hopkins University, Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard University, Cornell University, Drexel University

University Careers at Carnegie Mellon University, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, University of Pittsburgh, University of Iowa, Indian Institute of Science, University of Chicago, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt Sinai, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts General Hospital

Summer internships at Smithsonian Institute for Conservation Genomics, Broad Institute,, Arterys, SemanticMD, MedImmune, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Philips North America, St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, UPMC Enterprises, and many others

Explore MSCB Alumni Outcomes

You can use the following dashboard, maintained by the Career & Professional Development Center, to learn about where our recent MSCB alumni have started their careers. To see MSCB outcomes, go to the Post-Graduation Outcomes page; then select "Masters" for level (unselect "Bachelors" and "Doctorate"); then under "Primary Degree/Major", unselect "All" and select "Computational Biology". A screen shot is below.
