June 15-16, 2009
Carnegie Mellon University
Instinctive computing is a computational simulation of biological and cognitive instincts. Instincts
profoundly influence how we see, feel, appear, think, and act. If we want a computer to be genuinely
secure, intelligent and to interact naturally with us, we must give computers the ability to recognize,
understand, and even to have primitive instincts.
At this workshop, we explore transformational developments in this area, including the building
blocks for instinctive computing systems and potential applications such as security, privacy,
human-computer interaction, next generation networks, and product design.
This two-day workshop includes topics in four tracks: Instinctive Architectures, Instinctive
Cognition, Intelligent Systems, and Demos and Posters.
We want to engage in-depth dialogs in a small group with multidisciplinary minds. We would like to
return to the the origin of workshops and focus on ideas.
The post-proceedings will be published by Springer as a book of the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI).
[Click here to view the Instinctive Computing Homepage]