Carnegie Mellon University

The Word

Student Handbook

Appeals of Academic Review Board Decisions

A student may appeal a decision delivered by the vice provost for education or designee following the Academic Review Board process by submitting a request for appeal in writing via email to the provost of the university within seven calendar days of the official notification of the decision.

In cases in which the Academic Review Board decision pertains to an appeal of course-level action, the course instructor may submit a request for appeal in writing to the provost of the university within seven calendar days of the official notification of the decision. In cases in which the Academic Review Board decision pertains to matters that involve multiple violation reports or requests for additional outcomes, the course instructor and/or student’s department head or designee may submit a request for appeal in writing to the provost of the university within seven calendar days of the official notification of the decision.

The written appeal request should indicate whether the appeal concerns the finding(s) of responsibility, the outcome(s), or both, as well as the basis for the appeal itself. The basis of an appeal will be limited to one or more of the following cases:

  • A gross error in procedural process that materially affected the outcome;
  • The outcomes imposed during the second-level review were not commensurate with the violation(s) of the University Policy on Academic Integrity for which the student was found responsible;
  • Inconsistency between the available evidence and the finding(s) of responsibility in the course-level action appeal review or second-level review;
  • New information, which was not reasonably available at the time of the hearing, merits re-consideration of the final disposition.

The appeal officer designated by the provost will review the written appeal request and determine whether, in the judgment of the appeal officer, the appeal presents an appealable issue that warrants review by the appeal officer. In hearing an appeal, the appeal officer, at their discretion, may meet with individuals and review information relevant to the basis of the appeal.

In the event of an appeal, outcomes will normally be held in abeyance pending the outcome of the appeal.

Appeals will be decided by the appeal officer in a timely manner as circumstances warrant. While an appeal is under review, the appeal officer will update the student, course instructor, and department head as necessary about the anticipated timeline.

The appeal officer will require that the dean of the student’s college review the case and provide input on the final disposition.

The appeal officer has the authority to accept, vacate or modify the decision as they deem appropriate for resolution of the matter being appealed. The appeal officer may reconvene the initial Academic Review Board or remand the matter to a new Academic Review Board for review.

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