Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Track Guide Instructions

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a track guide for CMU’s Take Our Children to Work Event.

Please check in with Tom Wilk at the registration desk outside of Rangos 3 at 12:30pm to get your envelope. Make sure you review the emergency forms in your packet. Participants and guides will leave Rangos at 1:00 PM to travel to track one.

The schedule is as follows:

  • 12:45PM to 1:00PM Gather participants in your track (should all be at the same table.)
  • 1:00 PM to 1:15 PM Travel from CUC Rangos to Session 1
  • 1:15 PM to 2:00 PM Session 1
  • 2:00 PM to 2:15 PM Travel to Session 2
  • 2:15 PM to 3:00 PM Session 2
  • 3:00 PM to 3:15 PM Travel back to Rangos

As a guide you will need to consider the quickest route for the day from Rangos to session 1, from Session 1 to Session 2 and then back to Rangos. You also might want to visit the location before the event to locate the closest restroom, drinking fountain, etc.

The list of participants attending each track will be provided, along with the details for each track – presenter, room, phone and email.

Each child will have a wristband on their wrist with their parent’s or host’s name and phone number. Parents must remain with their children during registration and the lunch program, which concludes at 1:00 PM. Parents return to Rangos between 3-3:30 PM to pick up their children.

Emergency Forms will be provided for each track and each participant. We will inform you if you have any participants in your track with a medical condition, such as allergies, diabetes, asthma, etc.

Emergency Kits will be provided to any guide that has a track that leaves the University Center.

These emergency kits contain the following items:

  • Wipes, Band-Aid, Kleenex and Ointment tear pack in a zip lock bag
  • Water and hand sanitizer

In the event that someone gets hurt during a track in the University Center please have them go to the equipment desk.

Review rules with the participants:

  • No running
  • Use Buddy System
  • Identify a meeting spot for each track

Do a HEAD COUNT constantly - especially while traveling.

Give the presenter the backpack.

Once you return to Rangos 3 at the end of the day you will have the participants sign the thank you card. Send the thank you card to the presenter(s) via campus mail.

Emergency Numbers for CMU’s Take Our Children to Work Committee:
Tom Wilk 412-952-8545

Emergency Instructions: Call Campus Police at 412-268-2323