Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Asraiel  Harewood

Asraiel Harewood

Director of Enrollment Operations and Strategy, Office of Enrollment Management

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

I started at CMU in 2021.  My duties include coordinating high-level initiatives and special projects for the Office of Enrollment Management and overseeing the work of the administrative support staff. I collaborate with campus partners to enhance efficiency in recruiting, enrolling, and retaining a diverse and talented student body.

During my term, I would like to see Staff Council diversify its membership and enhance collaboration with employee resource groups and other campus organizations to promote retention and community building. As a member of the Sankofa--Black Faculty and Staff Alliance and different university advisory councils, I'd be able to uplift issues from a unique perspective and encourage engagement with Staff Council as a resource for advocacy. Events like CMU Day at PNC Park and Kennywood Day have been some of my favorite Staff Council initiatives and I'd like to support the expansion of similar opportunities to get Tartans out in the greater Pittsburgh community.

Surprising - I played several instruments, including the viola, marimba and xylophone.

Super Power - Teleportation, I enjoy visiting new cities and countries and would love to skip the hassles of road and airport travel.