Carnegie Mellon University

Yeknik Student Loans

The Yeknik Student Loan Fund is endowed by Wayne M. and Nancy Yeknik. It is an institutional loan awarded to students who:

  • Are sophomores, juniors and seniors
  • Have a cumulative 3.0 QPA
  • Have financial need

Awarded amounts are between $2,500 and $5,000. Borrower benefits include:

  • 4.0% fixed interest rate
  • Repayment begins 6-months after the student ceases to be enrolled on a half-time basis while enrolled as an undergraduate at CMU (i.e., if the student graduates from CMU and then immediately goes to graduate school, then the student will enter grace 6 months after they graduate or cease half-time attendance at CMU)
  • 5-year repayment schedule