Carnegie Mellon University
February 03, 2023

Updates to Policies Under Review: Appointment and Tenure, Emeritus Faculty

Two Policy updates posted for community comment through February 23, 2023 have been amended following feedback on the proposed revisions:

  • UPDATE: Appointment and Tenure Policy — Having received substantial feedback on the proposed statement regarding the inclusion of values-led work in faculty casebooks for reappointment, promotion and tenure reviews, we have decided that this issue will benefit from further study. At this time, we will proceed only on those policy revisions that adjust gendered language in the current policy. A revised version has been posted which reflects only these changes.
  • UPDATE: Policy on Emeritus Faculty — We received significant feedback regarding the proposed revisions to the university’s Policy on Emeritus Faculty. While we are evaluating that feedback and further potential revisions to the proposed policy, we have made the decision to suspend the policy review process, and have removed the proposal from this website. We will continue to work with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee on a new proposal and hope to advance that proposal in Fall 2023. Faculty are encouraged to work with their senators to share their thoughts and stay abreast of the continuing work on the policy.