Carnegie Mellon University

Shiladitya Banerjee

Associate Professor

Biological Physics Theory
Wean Hall 6301

lab website

Prof. Shila Banerjee

Education & Professional Experience

Ph.D.: Syracuse University, Physics (2013)
B.Sc. (Hons): Chennai Mathematical Institute (India), Physics (2008)

Honors and Awards:
Royal Society University Research Fellowship (2018)
HFSP Young Investigator Grant (2018)
EPSRC New Investigator Award (2018)
Kadanoff-Rice Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Chicago (2013)
APS Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics (2014)
All-University Doctoral Prize, Syracuse University (2013)

Curriculum Vitae

Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, 2020-
Lecturer, University College London (UK), 2019-2020
Junior Group Leader, University College London (UK), 2016-2019
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Chicago, 2013-2016

Research Interests

I develop theoretical models to understand how the internal structures and machineries of a living cell impacts its shape, physical properties, and ability to communicate with other cells. The shape and structure of a cell can have an integral impact on the cell function and behavior. As a cell grows, morphs, and reproduces, its components constantly reshape to adapt to changes in its external and internal environment. Understanding how these changes affect cell behavior can profoundly aid in biomedical research.

Recent Publications

N. Ojkic, D. Serbanescu, & S. Banerjee, Antibiotic resistance via bacterial cell shape-shiftingmBio13(3), e00659-22, (2022).
D.S. Banerjee, & S. Banerjee, Size regulation of multiple organelles competing for a limiting subunit pool, PLoS Computational Biology18(6), e1010253, (2022).

D. Gradeci et al., Cell-scale biophysical determinants of cell competition in epithelia, eLife, 10, e61011 (2021).

E. Maniou et al., Hindbrain neuropore tissue geometry determines asymmetric cell-mediated closure dynamics in mouse embryos, PNAS 118(19) (2021).

S. Banerjee et al., Mechanical feedback promotes bacterial adaptation to antibiotics, Nat. Phys. 17(3), 403-409 (2021).

D. Serbanescu, N. Ojkic, & S. Banerjee, Nutrient-dependent trade-offs between ribosomes and division protein synthesis control bacterial cell size and growth, Cell Rep., 32(12), 108183 (2020).

S. Banerjee, M.L. Gardel, & U.S. Schwarz, The actin cytoskeleton as an active adaptive material, Annu. Rev. of Cond. Mat. Phys., 11, 421-439 (2020).

M.F. Staddon et al., Mechanosensitive junction remodeling promotes robust epithelial morphogenesis, Biophys. J. 117, 1739 (2019).


N. Ojkic, D. Serbanescu, and S. Banerjee, Surface-to-volume scaling and aspect ratio preservation in rod-shaped bacteria, eLife8:e47033 (2019).

R.J. Tetley et al., Tissue fluidity promotes epithelial wound healingNat. Phys. 15, 1195 (2019)

V. Ajeti et al., Wound healing coordinates actin architectures to regulate mechanical workNat. Phys. 15, 696 (2019).

D.S. Seara et al., Entropy production rate is maximized in non-contractile actomyosinNat. Commun. 9, 4948 (2018).

E.N. Schaumann, M.F. Staddon, M.L. Gardel, and S. Banerjee, Force localization modes in dynamic epithelial coloniesMol. Biol. Cell 29, 2835 (2018).

S.L Freedman, S. Banerjee, G.M. Hocky, & A.R. Dinner, A versatile framework for simulating the dynamic mechanical structure of cytoskeletal networks, Biophys. J. 113(2), 448-460 (2017).

S. Banerjee et al., Biphasic growth dynamics control cell division in Caulobacter crescentusNat. Microbiol. 2, 17116 (2017).


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