Network Role Analysis in the Study of Food Webs:
An Application of Regular Role Coloration

Figure 5: Kinemage of the regular role coloration of the Mukkaw Bay subweb.
Rotate the kinemage by moving the cursor arrow into the kinemage figure (the graph), left-clicking the mouse, and moving the cursor arrow in the direction of the preferred rotation. If the graph is oriented with top predators (red) on top and primary producers (green) at the bottom, then the vertical dimension of the graph basically reflects the trophic position of a species or compartment.

Keeping this trophic orientation in mind, you can animate the graph to reveal the structure of the individual isotrophic classes. Successively left-click the Animate box to display the isotrophic classes individually. In addition, each of the isotrophic classes can be shown without ties between them (for clarity's sake) by turning off the Complete box, and successively turning on each of the isotrophic classes desired (check box). View compartment labels by pointing to the desired node and left-clicking.